September 1-4, 2024 | Palermo, Italy


Electronic book of abstracts in pen-drive will include the summaries of invited lectures and contributed papers (oral and posters). Conference participants are invited to submit no more than two abstracts related to the Conference topics.

Two-page abstracts should be prepared in English according to specific instructions (template) provided by the Organizers and submitted by mail to the conference Secretariat ( in doc or docx format. Please, name the file with your name followed by -O (oral) or -P (Poster). In case of more than one abstract, name the file -O1 or O2 or P1 or P2.

Examples: J.White-O for one oral abstract; J.White-O1 (one oral) and J.White-P2 (second abstract as poster).

Please, download the template HERE and prepare your abstract by editing the file. Authors are kindly requested to carefully follow the format provided.
The deadline for the abstract submission is June 15.

All submissions will be evaluated by the members of the Scientific Committee and the contributors will be notified for acceptance of their paper for oral or poster presentation.